Tuesday 10 November 2009

When is a friend not a friend?

Right I have to say this for the last few years I have steadily gained weight – it’s been an enjoyable time with cakes and candy and chips, and mashed potatoes and lovely crusty meat pies.... I can truly say I have not hated one moment of this..... But mouthful by mouthful I have added to my waist inch by inch.

So for someone who lives, sleeps, and dreams fashion this has been disastrous for my wardrobe. I know you can say well plus sized clothes are great now and I have to agree the age of the tent and caftan are over and companies like Ann Harvey have some wonderful clothing – but I like my own clothes I just need to fit into them again.

So in the past when I have embarked on weight loss programmes I have told people “oh I can’t eat that I’m on a diet “or “I’m not having carb’s “or “don’t get me a cake I’m on nil by mouth” and then you get all the comments about you don’t need to lose weight or you look fabulous or because your tall and always wear heels you can carry the weight.

What I like carrying around an extra two and a half stone = 35pounds ...... no I don’t let me tell you loud and clear I hate having this huge welt of fat underneath by bra – I hate tugging my blouse down as the buttons gape – I can’t stand seeing myself sideways on as I look “portly” ......

The people who comment are invariably very skinny & I mean skinny. They are the mates who shovel chips down next to you or order extra side orders yet never gain an inch or a bulge ...... so are they really a friend or do they just like you the way you are?

Because if they were a friend they would see behind this happy pie scoffing face actually I’m not happy ....... my self confidence has plummeted, I feel anxious and hold back at social gatherings due to my consciousness about my size where before I was the life and soul of the party.
So now the only people who know about my diet are other dieters as they understand my motivation – I might be telling the world about my weight loss and the journey but the people who read it are fellow dieters......

Lesson of the big fat decade never announce you’re on a diet.........let the pounds off speak for themselves so no well meaning sabotage from skinny friends!

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