Monday 23 November 2009


As I have decided to do a 21 day challenge covering 5K I have bought a pedometer? In the past I have bought them for a few pounds and they have been useless so I decided as I’m taking this seriously I would invest in a decent one.

I bought a Gaiam Walking Fit Kit which has a pedometer and a disc to talk you through this by Debbie Rocker.

Right the pedometer comes with useless instructions and has way to many gadgets on it for instance I have a small tiny torch, a panic alarm and then a calorie burner and you can set your stride ...... the “audio” CD has to be heard at least 4 times and it lasts 45 minutes ...........

So after much frustration I have drafted in daughter who works everything out but in that annoying way where she does it and just hands it back to you.

Now I had plotted out my route on the handy function on Spark People and I know I’m covering 5K as I have run round the park for Race For Life and it’s a 5K race but last night on the inaugural walk with Biggie it said I have covered 2.5K ... in fact the route I took would have been nearer 6K ....... so go figure and I only burned 95 calories .....

So I’m ignoring about 90% of these functions and just using it to measure steps and hopefully this afternoon when we have a spare hour I’ll work out how it measures my stride as I have a large stride & the reading is a little more accurate ......

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