Sunday 15 November 2009

Is your friend fat? Then don’t tell her

In the Sunday Times there is an article which caught my eye “Is your friend fat? Then don’t tell her.” The writer Shane Watson says no never tell your friend she is tubby – but I have no idea if Ms Watson is chubby as there is only a head shot in the Times?

According to a survey in conjunction with National Obesity Week, women don’t like their friends telling them they are fat and one in 20 has ended a friendship after being told they were overweight.

Now as I have inch by inch grown and moaned I would rather a friend say “hey Vicki you’re starting to pack a bit of weight ....... what’s happening” instead of me just inching up on clothes size.

This summer oversized blooms were all the rage, either on corsages or prints and being a big fashion freak I took to the look. I went to a wedding wearing a very loud floral coat with bag and a tone of matching pink plain dress underneath and plain shoes...... I looked good in my head but looking at the wedding pictures I looked like someone’s Laura Ashley chair on the rampage – I was so big looking someone could have climbed aboard and had a nap as it was a fashionista a wedding others had nodded to the trend and looked amazing......

Do I think my friendships are so shallow that they couldn’t be honest and say “lay of the Ben & Jerry’s sweetheart you’re looking a bit large”. I may have been a little defensive at first but I think if they had the bottle to be an honest friend then I should look to my expanding tummy......

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Vicki, I need you here to stop me from eating pop tarts. As for Ben and Jerrys...back off sister!! lol
